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WaterProof PHPEdit PHP集成开发环境 v4.0.2.11507 下载-

2025-02-14 07:52:31 95
PHPEdit 是一款Windows下优秀的PHP脚本IDE(集成开发环境)。该软件为快速、便捷的开发PHP脚本提供了多种工具,其功能包括:语法关键词高亮;代码提示、浏览;集成PHP调试工具;帮助生成器;自定义快捷方式;150多个脚本命令;键盘模板;报告生成器;快速标记;插件等。

PHPEdit is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for PHP designed for professional. Including advanced php related tools, powerful debugger and profiler, code beautifier, help integration, real time syntax checker, advanced keyboard templates and much more.

By using PHPEdit you will:
1. Develop Faster
Because PHPEdit contains several tools to increase your personal productivity like Syntax Highlighting, Code Hint, Code Insight, automatic Code Completion, Keyboard Templates, Quick Marks, Code Browser...

2. Enhance Quality
Using the debugger you will produce better software because you'll be able to put breakpoints, step inside your code, watch variable content, check call stack and more. Using the profiler, you will tweak your application performances.

3. Make Your Life Easier
Because PHPEdit is fully customizable you can make it behave the way you want. You will not change the way you work, but you'll work faster and easier because all your tools are just a shortcut away.
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